Fabric Products,Fabric Information,Fabric Factories,Fabric Suppliers Fabric News Baitu Township: The sericulture industry “weaves” a path to wealth

Baitu Township: The sericulture industry “weaves” a path to wealth

Baitu Township: The sericulture industry “weaves” a road to wealth A small cocoon enriches the people and connects the big story of revitalizing rural industries. In recent years, Baitu Township, Qi…

Baitu Township: The sericulture industry “weaves” a road to wealth

A small cocoon enriches the people and connects the big story of revitalizing rural industries. In recent years, Baitu Township, Qianjiang District, has focused on the sericulture industry as another backbone industry after flue-cured tobacco. In 2022, the yield per unit area exceeded 40 kilograms for the first time, setting the honor of being the first in the area and becoming another important way to increase agricultural efficiency and farmers’ income. .

A reporter recently saw in the mulberry garden of Tian Weichao, a major sericulture farmer in Baitu Community, Baitu Township, that contiguous mulberry trees were neatly arranged, and buds had sprouted from the branches, indicating hope for increased income. The villagers are busy in the mulberry fields, carrying out spring management work, laying a solid foundation for a bumper harvest in the year.

Tian Jinghong, a villager in Liangdong Village, Baitu Township, has weaved a happy new life by weaving small cocoons. He started to develop the sericulture industry in 2018. Over the years, not only has his family got out of the previous difficulties, but he has also built new houses and expanded buildings. A high-standard silkworm shed. In 2022, Tian Jinghong raised 66.5 silkworms, produced 53.95 dans of cocoons, and achieved an output value of 130,000 yuan.

In recent years, Baitu Township has vigorously developed the sericulture industry. In accordance with the development model of “government-led + large households + farmers”, it has equipped with strong leaders and sericulture teams to consolidate the responsibilities of cadres. At the same time, a series of incentive mechanisms such as a per-acre subsidy policy, implementation of supporting facilities for sericulture, provision of winter and spring management materials, and subsidies for the purchase of mini-tillage machines have been introduced to enhance the development confidence of sericulture households. This year, the town will continue to use practical measures to help improve the quality and efficiency of the sericulture industry, striving to achieve a yield of more than 45 kilograms per unit, so that the people can enjoy the development dividends.



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Author: clsrich

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