Fabric Products,Fabric Information,Fabric Factories,Fabric Suppliers Fabric News Shenghong’s 16 million tons/year refining and chemical integration project is progressing smoothly! All core equipment of the faucet device are installed in place

Shenghong’s 16 million tons/year refining and chemical integration project is progressing smoothly! All core equipment of the faucet device are installed in place

On January 18, according to news from Oriental Shenghong (000301.SZ), its Shenghong 1600 The leading device of the 10,000 tons/year refining and chemical integration project, the vacuum tower of the atmospheric…

On January 18, according to news from Oriental Shenghong (000301.SZ), its Shenghong 1600 The leading device of the 10,000 tons/year refining and chemical integration project, the vacuum tower of the atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit, was successfully hoisted in one go, marking that all core equipment of the unit is in place, laying a solid foundation for the smooth start-up of the project.

Dongfang Shenghong’s refining and chemical integration project is a key promotion project of the national “Petrochemical Industry Planning and Layout Plan” and is also the leading project of Lianyungang’s world-class petrochemical industry base. The project construction scale is 16 million tons/year oil refining, 2.8 million tons/year aromatics, 1.1 million tons/year ethylene and other downstream products, and is equipped with 300,000 tons crude oil terminal, 3 million cubic meters of storage and other projects, with a total investment of approximately 67.7 billion Yuan, it is the largest private manufacturing project with the largest investment amount in the history of Jiangsu Province.

It is reported that after the Shenghong Refining and Chemical Project is completed and put into operation, it will greatly make up for the short supply of bulk basic chemical raw materials such as ethylene and aromatics in China, and help enterprises form a complete “crude oil-aromatics/ The new high-end textile industry chain of “ethylene glycol-polyester-chemical fiber” will also provide raw material guarantee for the subsequent “chain extension” development of strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, electronic chemicals, and biotechnology. It will also promote the transformation of China’s petrochemical industry. It is of great significance to upgrade and achieve high-quality development of the industry.







ItisunderstoodthatthetotalinvestmentoftheShenghongRefiningandChemicalIntegrationProjectisapproximately67.7billionyuan.Itisakeypromotionprojectofthenational”PetrochemicalIndustryPlanningandLayoutPlan” and is also the largest investment amount in the history of our province. Private manufacturing projects. After the project is put into operation, it will be able to refine 16 million tons of oil per year. At present, more than 90% of the equipment infrastructure construction of the entire plant has been carried out, and important infrastructure construction such as heating furnaces, towers, and reactors of various devices have been completed one after another. At the same time, the construction of Shenghong Refining and Chemical Terminal is also accelerating. The main projects of one 300,000-ton crude oil berth and four 50,000-ton liquid chemical berths have been completed two months ahead of schedule.

Yu Huiyong said that the company strictly fulfills its main responsibility for environmental protection and adheres to the goal positioning of “environmental protection first, green development” and circular economy in the design, construction and operation of the Shenghong Refining and Chemical Project. , the concept of clean production, optimizing process routes and design plans, selecting high-quality equipment and raw materials, optimizing and adjusting the energy structure, improving the quality of chemical products and fuel oil products, and strengthening energy conservation, consumption and emission reduction measures for each device.

The environmental protection investment of the entire project reached 4.3 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 6% of the total investment. The amount and proportion of environmental protection investment are at the leading level in the industry, ensuring that the project has advanced environmental protection process technology and equipment. The advanced nature has laid a solid foundation for green and environmentally friendly operation.

During the project construction process, the “three simultaneities” system of supporting environmental protection facilities and the main project being designed, constructed and put into operation at the same time was strictly implemented. Professional environmental supervision agencies were also hired to monitor the project. The entire process of design, construction, trial production, and completion acceptance will be supervised to ensure that the “three simultaneous” measures for environmental protection are implemented.

Major project construction requires sufficient funding. According to Yu Huiyong, all the 19.08 billion yuan in capital required for the Shenghong Refining and Chemical Project will be in place in 2020.

In August 2020, the syndicated loan for the Shenghong Refining and Chemical Integration Project was officially signed in Nanjing. The total financing amount reached 41.5 billion yuan. The total withdrawals have now reached 17.5 billion yuan, which meets the project requirements. Construction funding requirements. The remaining 24 billion yuan of follow-up syndicated loans will also be gradually drawn according to the project funding plan. Sufficient construction funds will effectively guarantee and support the early completion, early production capacity and early results of the refining and chemical integration project. Related information: Shenghong Refining and Chemical received a capital increase of 3 billion and also received a loan of 41.5 billion!How much did it cost to build the four major private refining and chemical integration projects?

It is understood that after the project is put into operation, it is expected to achieve an average annual operating income of approximately 92.5 billion yuan, an average annual net profit of approximately 9.4 billion yuan, and profits and taxes exceeding 20 billion yuan. The company expects the project to It will be completed and put into production in 2021.


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Author: clsrich

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