How to express chemical fiber fabrics

How to express chemical fiber fabrics Representation method of chemical fiber fabric Example: 150D/36F cationic 150D – 150 denier 36F – the fiber has 36 single filaments cationic – the dyeing …

How to express chemical fiber fabrics

Representation method of chemical fiber fabric
Example: 150D/36F cationic 150D – 150 denier 36F – the fiber has 36 single filaments cationic – the dyeing performance is improved by cationic cations (denier: the weight of 9000 meters of yarn at the public moisture regain, the value is larger Thick yarn)
Example: Nylon 210T semi-gloss 70D*70D116*90 Nylon – the raw material is nylon filament, which is nylon 210T – the warp and weft density is about 210 threads/inch (the number of warp and weft threads per square inch and) semi-gloss – semi-matt fiber (the surface of chemical fiber has a very unnatural luster.
Divided into full matt, semi-matt and large light) 70D*70D – the fineness of warp and weft yarns is 70D (D represents the thickness of chemical fiber) 116*90t/inch – radial density 116 threads/inch, weft density 90 threads/inch inches.


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Author: clsrich

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