Fabric Products,Fabric Information,Fabric Factories,Fabric Suppliers Fabric News Textile and garment enterprises in Shaya County achieved a good start in the first quarter

Textile and garment enterprises in Shaya County achieved a good start in the first quarter

Textile and garment enterprises in Shaya County achieved a good start in the first quarter Since this year, Shaya County textile and garment enterprises have strengthened communication with major domestic and f…

Textile and garment enterprises in Shaya County achieved a good start in the first quarter

Since this year, Shaya County textile and garment enterprises have strengthened communication with major domestic and foreign customers, accurately grasped market trends, and connected with the market in an all-round and multi-level manner. At the same time, they have taken advantage of preferential policies of the country and autonomous regions to expand Production capacity and progress were achieved, achieving a good start in the first quarter.

On April 5, when I walked into the production workshop of Xinjiang Lihua Textile Co., Ltd., the machine was rumbling, the fully automated production line was operating at full capacity, and the staff shuttled through the various production equipment areas, cleaning cotton, drawing, and spinning, all in full swing. Busy scene.

Sun Shuyun, financial director of Xinjiang Lihua Textile Co., Ltd., said: “Our business model is to determine production based on sales. The products are mainly sold to Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In the first quarter, the output was 23,000 tons, the output value was 540 million yuan, and the net profit was 58 million yuan. Yuan, a year-on-year increase of 449%, a good start.”

The company’s production and sales were booming in the first quarter. Thanks to the unique advantages of Xinjiang’s cotton resources, the cotton yarn produced and processed has the characteristics of strong hygroscopicity and good warmth retention, and is highly praised. Customer trust. Entering 2023, domestic sales and export orders in the textile industry continue to grow, and demand in the cotton yarn industry is strong. The company’s orders exceeded expectations, and 150,000 new spindles of spinning yarn were put into production, enhancing the company’s development competitiveness. .

Yuan Fangfang, general manager of Xinjiang Lihua Textile Co., Ltd., said: “The autonomous region has proposed to accelerate the construction of cotton and textile and garment industry clusters and continuously expand the development space of the cotton and textile and garment industry. , it has ushered in an opportunity to accelerate development. Our company has seized the favorable policies, invested 350 million yuan in new investments, expanded production by 150,000 spindles, and the spinning scale has reached 860,000 spindles. This year, the annual output of cotton yarn is expected to be 120,000 tons. , the output value reached 3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 36%.”

Xinjiang Lihua Textile Co., Ltd. mainly produces mid- to high-grade pure cotton combed compact knot-free yarn and pure cotton high-grade combed yarn. It is equipped with an agricultural planting section and a cotton yarn textile section. Through front-end planting and back-end spinning, Shaya County has established a million-acre high-quality cotton planting base and 860,000 spindles of spinning production lines, achieving the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, creating employment for more than 3,600 people, and producing in 2022 110,000 tons of cotton yarn, with an output value of 2.2 billion yuan.

Yuan Fangfang, general manager of Xinjiang Lihua Textile Co., Ltd., said: “This year we will continue to promote the planting of fine varieties in 1.2 million acres of high-quality cotton fields. While doing a good job in the layout of raw materials, based on the existing 860,000 spindles of spinning equipment, Further implement the automation, intelligent and informatization upgrades of the spinning production line, realize equipment upgrades, product grade upgrades, and cotton yarn quality upgrades, and promote the textile industry to become bigger and stronger.”

It is understood that Shaya County is a national high-quality cotton production base county and a major cotton planting county in Xinjiang. This year, 1.6 million acres of cotton were harvested by planting machines. In recent years, Shaya County has actively transformed its resource advantages into economic advantages, vigorously developed the cotton industry, and created a full cotton industry chain integrating planting, production and intensive processing. Up to now, there are more than 150 textile and garment enterprises (cooperatives) in Shaya County, with a spinning capacity of 1.64 million spindles. It has become a strategic tool for promoting the county’s economic and social highquality development. One of the pillar industries.



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Author: clsrich

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