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What are the methods of making holes in polytetrafluoroethylene films?

PTFE film is a material with excellent mechanical properties, chemical stability and high temperature resistance. During the preparation process, a pore structure can be formed through special processing. The r…

PTFE film is a material with excellent mechanical properties, chemical stability and high temperature resistance. During the preparation process, a pore structure can be formed through special processing. The range of hole making depends on the method and conditions chosen during preparation.

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1. Conventional micropore preparation

Conventional micropore preparation It uses high temperature and pressure to form a microporous structure. Depending on the control of factors such as the embossing method on the surface of the PTFE membrane and the heating time, pore sizes of different sizes can be obtained, generally ranging from 0.2 to 15 microns. The PTFE membrane prepared by this method has good insulation, chemical stability, good filtration performance and anti-adhesion properties, and is widely used in equipment, electronic information, food packaging and other fields.

2. Ion beam drilling

Ion beam drilling is a new type of manufacturing Hole technology, which uses ion beams to directly bombard the surface of the PTFE membrane to form a microporous structure with controllable size. The pore size of polytetrafluoroethylene films prepared by this technology can range from submicron to several microns, and has the advantages of high processing precision and high efficiency, and is suitable for the preparation of microelectronics and nanodevices.

3. Laser processing

Laser processing is a new type of hole-making technology. It uses a laser beam to directly punch holes on the surface of the PTFE membrane, which can create a microporous structure with accurate dimensions and regular arrangement. This technology has the advantages of fast processing speed, low cost, and high efficiency, and is suitable for preparation of equipment, microporous filters, nanoprocessing and other fields.

In short, the pore making range of PTFE film can be controlled according to the preparation method and conditions, and conventional micropore preparation methods can be Pore ​​structure ranging from 0.2 to 15 microns. Ion beam drilling and laser processing have more refined processing capabilities and are suitable for different fields such as microelectronics and nanodevice preparation, equipment manufacturing, and microporous filters. Interested parties are welcome to enter the store and contact us.


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Author: clsrich

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