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Pore ​​size of tissue culture sealing film for cell culture

Tissue culture sealing film is a material used for laboratory cell culture, usually with a small pore size to prevent microorganisms and other contamination penetration of objects. When selecting, pore size nee…

Tissue culture sealing film is a material used for laboratory cell culture, usually with a small pore size to prevent microorganisms and other contamination penetration of objects. When selecting, pore size needs to be considered to ensure good cell culture results.

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Common pore sizes are 0.4 microns or 0.2 microns. Among them, the 0.2 micron pore size is smaller and can well filter out most bacteria and other microorganisms, thereby ensuring the sterility of the culture environment. For some cell culture experiments that require higher sterility requirements, even small pore sizes are needed to filter small microorganisms such as viruses.

However, it should be noted that when conducting cell culture experiments, the pore size will also affect the normal growth and reproduction of cells. If the filtration effect is too good, nutrients and cytokines will be filtered out, causing cells to be unable to obtain enough nutrients and signaling molecules, thus affecting cell growth and differentiation. Therefore, when selecting tissue culture sealing film, you need to consider the experimental needs and cell type and select the appropriate pore size.

In addition, Tissue culture sealing film can also be divided into different grades of products according to different pore sizes. For example, in areas such as gene sequencing, cell culture, and microbial testing, 0.2 microns or less are often used to meet high sterility requirements. In other fields, such as biochemical analysis and the pharmaceutical industry, larger pore sizes may be used to filter macromolecular compounds such as proteins and enzymes.

In short, the pore size of tissue culture sealing film is one of the important factors that affects the results of cell culture experiments. When selecting, you need to consider the experimental requirements and cell types, select the appropriate pore size, and conduct corresponding verification and testing to ensure accurate experimental results. Interested parties are welcome to enter the store and contact us.


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Author: clsrich

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