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Company annual meeting T-shirt design (company annual meeting clothing style sharing)

It’s the end of the year, and the arrival of the annual meeting has caused the boss’s emotional cycle. The design of T-shirts for the annual meeting can solve all problems as everyone’s unifie…

It’s the end of the year, and the arrival of the annual meeting has caused the boss’s emotional cycle. The design of T-shirts for the annual meeting can solve all problems as everyone’s unified clothing. So how to design a T-shirt for the company’s annual meeting?

1. The pattern of the cultural shirt can be designed according to the corporate culture or the corporate logo. It is worth noting that if the corporate logo is not too big, just imagine Which employee likes to go out and wander around wearing clothes with a certain company printed on them? Therefore, the pattern can be smaller and employees can wear it as normal clothes.

2. If it is a large-area pattern, it is best to keep the color simple. The pattern of the cultural shirt should be able to express the meaning clearly and accurately, rather than being too complicated, so that people can understand it at a glance. This will be more impressive and achieve better publicity effects.

3. There are several common printing processes for cultural shirts, including digital direct printing, screen printing, hot stamping, silver hot stamping, luminous printing, foam printing, and implant printing. Velvet printing, thermal transfer printing, etc. The appropriate printing process should be selected based on the quantity and content of the pattern. The most commonly used method is screen printing, but heat transfer printing is generally not recommended because heat transfer printing will make the fabric less breathable and affect the comfort of wearing it.

Customized annual meeting cultural shirts are useful for outdoor team building activities and annual meetings. In the increasingly cold winter, whether it is an outdoor activity or an annual meeting, it is absolutely necessary to have a piece of clothing that is light, comfortable and functional. Customized annual meeting cultural shirts are the first choice of major companies.

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Author: clsrich

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