Fabric Products,Fabric Information,Fabric Factories,Fabric Suppliers Fabric News Is crystal linen fabric expensive? Is crystal linen knitted?

Is crystal linen fabric expensive? Is crystal linen knitted?

Is crystal linen fabric expensive? Is crystal linen knitted? Today, the editor will introduce to you the fabric knowledge of whether crystal linen is expensive and whether crystal linen is knitted. Crystal line…

Is crystal linen fabric expensive? Is crystal linen knitted?

Today, the editor will introduce to you the fabric knowledge of whether crystal linen is expensive and whether crystal linen is knitted. Crystal linen fabric is a high-end fabric. Its biggest feature is that its fabric has extremely strong elasticity and is suitable for use. To make high-end women’s clothing, the feel and style of crystal linen fabric are very similar to linen fabrics, and are loved by many people. Let’s take a look at whether crystal linen fabric is expensive and whether crystal linen is knitted.

Is crystal linen knitted?

The crystal linen fabric we often say is basically It refers to knitted crystal linen. Crystal linen fabrics are mainly knitted. The fabric is mainly woven with 92% polyester fiber and 8% spandex fiber. The fabric style and feel are similar to linen. It is high-end, atmospheric, comfortable and elastic. It is extremely strong and suitable for making high-end women’s clothing in spring and autumn such as fashion, women’s clothing, and evening wear.

Is crystal linen fabric expensive?

Crystal linen fabric is a high-end linen-like fabric that is loved by many people, but The price of the fabric is not as expensive as expected. The wholesale price of crystal linen on the market is around 57 yuan/kg. Netizens who like this fabric can search the Jinyi Soubu platform for consultation.

The above is the fabric knowledge compiled by the editor about whether crystal linen is expensive and whether crystal linen is knitted. I hope this article can be helpful to you. At the same time, the editor hopes that everyone will buy it. Be cautious when using these products and be careful not to be deceived.

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Author: clsrich

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