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What is TR cloth? What are the characteristics of TR cloth?

What is TR cloth? What are the characteristics of TR cloth? With the development of fabrics, there are many types. It is not just cotton, linen and silk that you think. In terms of natural fibers, of course the…

What is TR cloth? What are the characteristics of TR cloth?

With the development of fabrics, there are many types. It is not just cotton, linen and silk that you think. In terms of natural fibers, of course there are still the same ones. New varieties will not appear, but with polyester fiber There are many new varieties in this kind of non-natural fiber. For example, you must have never heard of TR cloth, so what is TR cloth? What are the characteristics of TR cloth? Below, we will introduce tr cloth.

What is TR cloth? What are the characteristics of TR cloth?

What is TR cloth
People who don’t understand the fabric industry will definitely not understand why there are still fabrics named with two letters. In fact, this is just a reference to this kind of fabric. The abbreviation of cloth, cloth tr refers to polyester-viscose blended chemical fiber fabric, which is a highly complementary blended chemical fiber fabric. In terms of composition, polyester accounts for 60% of it and the rest is artificial cotton. The fabric produced by blending these two materials with chemical fiber fabrics has the strong and wrinkle-resistant characteristics of polyester, but at the same time it has the breathability of artificial cotton, so it not only highlights the style of polyester but also has the advantages of cotton fabrics.

What are the characteristics of tr cloth
Of course, in addition to these characteristics, this fabric also combines the advantages of two raw materials in appearance. Compared with ordinary cotton products, It will be more complete and has a certain amount of elasticity, so it is very comfortable to wear. It does not have the tightness of pure cotton clothing. It has a lot of room for movement and will not be restricted by the clothing. Tie down. In addition, it also inherits the advantages of polyester very well, that is, it will not deform or shrink after washing, so it is very easy to take care of. You don’t need to pay much attention to it when washing it. It doesn’t matter if you put it in the washing machine. This is comparable to Pure cotton clothing is much better, because everyone knows that although pure cotton clothing is comfortable to wear, it is very easy to wrinkle, let alone put it in the washing machine, while tr fabric has no such problem at all. This is about what is TR cloth? What are the characteristics of TR cloth? Some introductions.



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Author: clsrich

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