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Looking for compost film manufacturer for organic fertilizer fermentation

Organic fertilizers are widely used in organic agriculture and natural farming methods. If you have always thought that organic fertilizers can only be purchased, then the cost is relatively high. In fact, you …

Organic fertilizers are widely used in organic agriculture and natural farming methods. If you have always thought that organic fertilizers can only be purchased, then the cost is relatively high. In fact, you can make your own organic fertilizer, which not only has low cost and high coefficient, but also protects the environment.

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Organic fertilizer is generally formed through stacking and fermentation. Summer is a good time to make organic fertilizer. Taking advantage of the high temperature conditions in summer, organic waste such as straw, human and animal manure is degraded under the action of microorganisms to form organic fertilizer. This process is also called high-temperature composting. Plant straws from general farms and animal manure from breeding farms can be used as high-temperature compost to obtain organic fertilizer.

Nano film composting is a composting method that does not require turning the pile. It can save a lot of labor and energy consumption during operation. After being covered by the membrane, The aeration at the bottom can provide the microorganisms in the pile with enough oxygen needed for fermentation. As the temperature rises, odorous macromolecules such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide escape, but the microporous structure of the nanomembrane can block external moisture. It can enter, but small water molecules can pass through, but large molecules such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide cannot pass through. The water vapor dissolved on the surface of the membrane returns to the stack and is used by microorganisms. In this way, the water is removed. There is no odor effect, and the decomposed agricultural fertilizer is produced, which can be directly returned to the fields, or directly sold to organic fertilizer factories for processing and production of commercial organic fertilizers. Compost film manufacturers have such materials.

At present, the ptfe high-temperature composting film independently developed and produced by Composting Film Manufacturer is the core material of high-temperature composting. Composting Film ManufacturerThe compost film is composed of a PTFE film and a base material. The composite film is used to seal livestock and poultry manure for high-temperature aerobic fermentation in the pre-fermentation pile. It can protect against wind and rain to avoid the impact of harsh weather, and at the same time, it can prevent the waste generated during the treatment process. Carbon dioxide gas and water vapor are quickly released. If you are interested, please enter the store for consultation.


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Author: clsrich

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