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What are the advantages of high dust holding filter material?

With the rapid development of my country’s industrial economy and the gradual improvement of people’s lives, people are paying more and more attention to the surrounding environment where they live.…

With the rapid development of my country’s industrial economy and the gradual improvement of people’s lives, people are paying more and more attention to the surrounding environment where they live. However, the fact that is inconsistent with the development of industrial economy is that the air quality of the indoor environment we live in is deteriorating day by day. Today’s urban people spend more than 70% of their time indoors. The quality of indoor air directly affects human health, quality of life and work. Especially now, many large and medium-sized cities are gradually releasing PM2.5 data, which indirectly illustrates the seriousness of this problem. The main reasons for the decline in indoor air quality are natural factors and human factors. Among them, indoor air pollution caused by human factors such as industrial waste gas and automobile exhaust is particularly significant. High dust holding capacityFiltermaterials are also widely used in such environments.

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To improve indoor air quality in a timely manner, there are three main methods: one is to improve air quality, but this method is affected by the external environment The second is cleaning, which requires cleaning all indoor carpets and mats that accumulate pollutant particles. A very important tool is a vacuum cleaner; the third is the use of an air purifier.

High dust-holding filter materialGood temperature and corrosion resistance, wide chemical applicability. The composite method adopts two methods: glue composite and thermal composite. It has strong moisture resistance and hydrophobicity, and can be washed or pulsed backflushed to remove surface dust for repeated use. High Dust CapacityFilterMaterial is a new type of filter material formed by compounding a layer of PTFE film on the surface of ordinary filter material. High dust holding capacityFilterMaterial has excellent breathability, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, temperature resistance and other properties. According to the usage requirements, the pore diameter can be between 0.1-10um, the thickness can be between 2-100um, the porosity can reach 50%–80%, there are up to hundreds of millions of micropores per square centimeter, and the filtration grade can reach H13-U16. It can operate at a continuous operating temperature of 240°C and an instantaneous temperature of 260°C. Interested parties can enter the store for consultation and purchase!


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Author: clsrich

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