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What is the filtration efficiency of HEPA filter material?

HEPA filter material can effectively remove tiny particles, viruses, bacteria and other pollutants in the air. Its filtration efficiency is one of the important indicators to measure performance. The following …

HEPA filter material can effectively remove tiny particles, viruses, bacteria and other pollutants in the air. Its filtration efficiency is one of the important indicators to measure performance. The following will introduce its filtration efficiency and its influencing factors.

High efficiency filter material.png

1. Filtration efficiency

HEPA filter The filtration efficiency of materials is usually above 99.97%, and depending on different specifications and uses, the filtration efficiency can reach 99.99% or higher. This means that it can filter particles with a diameter of 0.3 microns, while also being able to remove smaller or larger particles. These particles include dust, pollen, bacteria, viruses, mold spores, pet dander and other harmful pollutants.

2. Factors affecting filtration efficiency

(1) Fiber diameter: the thinner the fiber , the higher the filtration efficiency.

(2) Layout method: The layout method will also affect its filtering efficiency. The tightly laid out HEPA filter material can better capture tiny particles and pathogens and improve filtration efficiency

(3) Thickness of filter material : The greater the thickness, the higher the filtration efficiency. However, being too thick may affect air flow and reduce the performance of the air purification equipment.

(4) Filtration speed: Filtration speed will also affect its filtration efficiency. Too fast a filtration speed may cause some tiny particles to escape the capture of the filter material, thereby reducing the filtration efficiency.

3. How to ensure the filtration efficiency of HEPA filter material requires attention to the following points:

(1) Regular replacement: After a period of use, its filtration efficiency may decrease. Therefore, regular replacement is required to ensure the performance and reliability of air purification equipment.

(2) Proper maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance are required to prevent its surface from being clogged or damaged.

(3) Correct use: When using air purification equipment, you should follow the requirements in the instructions and avoid overloading or placing the filter material in high temperature or humidity. environment.

In short, HEPA filter material is an air filter material with a filtration efficiency usually above 99.97%. Factors such as fiber diameter, layout, filter material thickness and filtration speed will affect filtration efficiency. In order to ensure filtration efficiency, regular replacement, correct maintenance and correct use are required. Interested parties can enter the store and contact us.


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Author: clsrich
